Freelancer Growth – Special projects aimed at improving acqusition, growth and more.

UX/UI Design
Visual Design
HTML Emails
Art Direction

Background is the internet's largest marketplace connecting employers with freelancers to get work done. With 36+ million users, 900 skills across 145+ countries we need to keep moving forward to leverage the power of the platform.

Freelancer's growth team–Acquistions–is one the companys most challenging and elite product teams. New product work is often varied and vaguely defined as they're constantly experimenting with innovative ways to drive product growth.

Designers must have a strong heart as this work is heavily metrics driven but highly rewarding. Projects undertaken were heavily dependant on AARRRR (Acquisiton, Activation, Retention, Referral, Revenue) metrics and strong branding.

Marketing Emails

Marketing emails were the first product I focussed on when I joined Freelancer. As the team does their email marketing inhouse my role involved end-to-end production. I've done everything from email design, to writing email compatible code, testing the build to be cross-client compatible, and optimising emails based on click-through and open-rate data.

Category Landing Pages

Working closely with a copywriter we created several landing pages focussing on top freelancing skills to drive more SEM traffic to these specific keywords. This was a fun challenge as the copywriting for these pages were originally optimised for seo conversion.


Various collateral designed to promote competitions and annocements from the Freelancer team throughout our social media channels.


GiveGet is Freelancer's referral scheme aimed at rewarding new users into the platform by offering them site credit. I helped redesign the experience to have clearer copy, more youthful appearance and stronger visual identity across product.

Branding Refresh Concepts 2020

The worlds largest marketplace for finding work online is missing something. It feels cold. Too static. Far from everything the freelancer hummingbird tells us the reelancer brand should be: free, creative, and full of depth. I was tasked with exploring concepts to uplift out brand in the future, with emphasis on engaging storytelling and using our content created by our freelancers to add more vibrance into the platform.