Freelancer Core – A collection of projects shaping the core platform experience for

UX/UI Design
Visual Design

KYC Redesign (2017)

Redesign the KYC flow to be more streamlined, easy to use and clearer for the user in terms of verification requirements.

Onboarding Redesign (2017)

The freelancer onboarding was redesigned to improve trust and gather richer data from users to help with their experience later down the funnel. I would love to revist the skill selector design again in the future and experiement with a more interactive input style.

Memberships (2017)

Collection of small experiments around the Membership product.

Freelancer API (2017)

In 2017 we relaunched our API and created a new landing page to go with it. Had fun creating the illustrations for this one.

Enterprise / Airbus (2019)

Designed a landing page and badge to promote a partnership Freelancer enterprise was announcing with Airbus.

ASX:FLN Annual Report (2019)

Since Freelancer is ASX listed, tradition comes we need to create an annual report for the closing financial year! A stressful project but seeing the report printed at the end of the day was a nice feeling.